【旧SQUIDARMY】 / インディーズバンドの公式バンドグッズ / 感染症対策グッズ

【They Might Be Giants 】venue songs(CD+DVD)





1. Dallas

2. Albany

3. Los Angeles

4. Anaheim

5. Vancouver

6. Pittsburgh

7. Asheville

8. Glasgow

9. Charlottesville

10. Asbury Park

11. Brooklyn

12. Love Is Eternity (bonus tarck)

13. Renew My Subscription (bonus tarck)

14. Taste the Fame (bonus tarck)

15. Tippecanoe and Tyler Too (bonus tarck)

16. Bloodmobile (bonus tarck)

17. Omaha (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

18. Houston (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

19. Leeds (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

20. New Orleans (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

21. Colombia (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

22. Santa Cruz (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

23. Minneapolis (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

24. Tucson (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

25. San Francisco (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

26. Memphis (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

27. Charleston (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

28. Atlanta (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

29. Farmingdale (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

30. New Haven (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

31. London (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

32. Raleigh (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

33. Towson (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

34. St.Louis (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

35. Philadelphia (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

36. Austin (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

37. Dallas (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

38. Albany (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

39. Los Angeles (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

40. Anaheim (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

41. Vancouver (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

42. Pittsburgh (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

43. Glasgow (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

44. Charlottesville (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

45. Asbury Park (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)

46. Brooklyn (the original Venue Songs recordings in situ)


1. Greeting from the Deranged Millionaire

2. “The experiment begins...”

3. Dallas

4. “A concrete shrine...”

5. Albany

6. “Paradoxically...”

7. Los Angeles

8. “An oasis of hooch...”

9. Anaheim

10. “The great walled city...”

11. Vancouver

12. “Mon-on-ga-he-la...”

13. Pittsburgh

14. “You can’t go home again...”

15. Asheville

16. “and so...”

17. Glasgow

18. “Returning to the U.S....”

19. Charlottesville

20. “Skee-ball and saltwater taffy...”

21. Asbury Park

22. “The tour nearly over...”

23. Brooklyn

24. Goodbye from the Deranged Millionaire

25. Damn Good Times (Bonus Videos)

26. Experimental Film (Bonus Videos)

27. Bastard Wants to Hit Me (Bonus Videos)

28. I’m All You Can Think About (Bonus Videos)

販売価格 2,000円(税込2,200円)